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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

City Purchases 408 Avenue P South

On August 17, 2009, City Council agreed to purchase the house at 408 Avenue P South. The house is a single unit dwelling which is currently being rented. The plan is to develop another housing site and greenspace buffer along the railway right of way. This will add much needed affordable family oriented housing to the area, and support the new St. Mary school.

The City is meeting with the Pleasant Hill Community Association in September to discuss options for redevelopment.

Progress Update

A new Storm Sewer pipe is being installed for Parcel D.
It runs across the Grace Adam Park and will intersect with the storm pipe on 19th Street. The pipe is necessary to drain storm water from Parcel D when development is complete.

Parcel D has a very distinct slope from north to south and plenty of rainwater will need to be drained away during rain events.

The park will be upgraded as part of the phase 1 park upgrades in 2010.

Meanwhile, work continues on the foundation of Parcel D.

Friday, August 7, 2009

City Prepares Parcel E

Demolition of the remaining housing stock on the 1400 block of 20th Street West was completed on July 31, 2009. Habitat for Humanity was able to sell one house (shown in photos on blocks). The City is continuing to work to obtain the last remaining house at 1407. The resulting vacant land will form a new development site (Parcel E) for a four storey seniors' complex. The seniors' complex is scheduled to begin in Spring 2010. The adjacent lane will be closed and incorporated into the new site.

City Purchases Olfert Trucking Site

On July 13, 2009, a significant opportunity to enhance the Pleasant Hill Village project was realized with the purchase of the Olfert Trucking site at 422 Avenue P South. The site has been used for industrial purposes since 1960.
This site will be incorporated into the Pleasant Hill Village project as a new housing site and greenspace buffer along the CPR mainline.

Development Starts

Excavation has started on Parcel D.
This is the first step towards the development of two 12 unit stacked townhouses.

Lead by the Keith Hanson (Affordable New Home Development Foundation), this development represents the first of many new housing developments in the Pleasant Hill Village.

This is a $5.2 Million dollar development of attractive, family-oriented housing.
Future postings to this blog will highlight the progress as construction gets underway.